Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Steps to Surya Namaskar & its Benefits !

1) Pranam Asana:  This pose induces a state of concentration and calm in preparation for the Surya Namaskar to be performed. Imagine the Sun shining at the centre of your eyebrows and bow to it by folding hands, placing the thumbs at the centre of your chest.  

2) Hastautthan Asana: It stretches all the abdominal organs and improves digestion. It exercises arms and shoulder muscles, tones the spinal nerves, opens the lungs and removes excess weight. Raise your hands above your head parallely and imagine touching the skies while breathing in and stretching upwards.

3) Padahasta Asana: It eliminates or prevents stomach or abdominal ailments. It also reduces excess weight in the abdominal region, improves digestion and helps to remove constipation. Constipation, a gift of junk food eating ritual of the mordern civilization. Practicing this asana improves blood circulation, makes spine supple and tones spiral nerves. Bend forward to touch your feet and breath in while doing so. Touching feet is a very Indian way of showing respect. This asana is also symbolic of self respect. One must respect themselves for who they are and nurture their talents and intellect.

4) Ashwa-sanchalan Asana: It massages abdominal organs and improves their functioning, strengthens the leg muscles and induces balance in the nervous system. Resembling a horse's gait, this asana is performed by resting your body on one foot folded right in front of you and the other leg strentched backwards. Place both your hands on either side of the foot in front. Face the sky to give your body a good stretch and maximum benefit of this asana. Spiritually speaking thsi asana prepares you for the race ahead of you through the routines of a day.

5) Parvat Asana: This pose strengthens the nerves and mucles in the arms and legs. The spinal nerves are toned and circulation is stimulated especially in the upper spine and between the shoulder blades. This asana is performed by lifting your body up like a mountain while both your hands are placed in front of you and legs are placed parallel and close to each other. Try and touch the earth with your heels and look down. Imagine the strength of a mountain unmoved by odds and adversities. 

6) Ashtang Namaskar:  This pose besides strengthening the legs and arms muscles develops the chest and gives exercise/ flexibility to the region of spine between the shoulder blades. Lie down facing earth with palms touching the ground placed on either side of the chest, close to the body. Lift the region between knees and chest. Touch your chin to the ground and rest of the face at eye level. All 8 limbs are worked on in this asana and thus the name, ashtang (asht-ang).  This is a state of absolute surrender. Devotion with tan, mann, dhan. 

7) Bhujanga Asana: This pose keeps the spine supple, improving circulation in the back region and toning the spinal nerves. It tones the reproductive organs, stimulates digestion and relieves constipation. It also tones the liver and massages kidneys and adrenal (adrenaline) glands. It can be performed by stretching your body and lying down facing earth. Place your hands in front of you, palms facing/touching the ground. Now lift you upper half of the body throwing your head backwards. This will give you great flexibility in the spine.

Surya namaskar is performed in sets, personifying the concept of duality in nature. OM!  

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Why you should learn dance.. :-)

Dancing is said to be a hobby - one which everyone should take up in their free time. Here is why you should learn how to dance 

Keeping fit 

Fitness experts are of the opinion that if you practice dancing for at least thirty minutes for three times a week, you don't have to worry about everyday exercise. Dancing is a fun way to exercise and also known to be one of the best forms. 

Dancing is fun and social 

The benefits of dancing is not just medicinal, it is fun and also a great way to revamp your social life. Whenever there is a party - be it a wedding or any other celebration - there is nothing except dancing that can enliven everyone's spirits. 

Great activity for couples 

Dancing is also known to be 
a great bonding exercise for couples. Not only does it make you do an activity together but it also ensures that both of you get to enjoy yourself together. Also it's a great way to show off to your other married friends and make them jealous. 

Improves co-ordination 

Dancing is said to also increase flexibility in your body and improve coordination. Research has proved that as we age, it is important to challenge our minds to keep our body active. 

So get your 
dance lessons booked now!

Friday, 25 January 2013

3 min of exercise a week makes you fit..

You don't need to spend hours every week slogging in the gym anymore because just a few 30-second bursts of intense exercise, amounting to only three minutes a week, could deliver the health and weight-loss benefits of hours of lengthy, conventional regimes, researchers say. 

This may revolutionise our ability to stick to New Year fitness resolutions, which only one in five of us manage to keep for more than a few weeks, the Daily Mail reported. 

The study found that the main reason we break resolutions is that our plans are over-ambitious - we set the bar too high in a hopelessly optimistic burst of post-Christmas enthusiasm. 

But this new exercise regime lowers that bar significantly. Scientists at the universities of Nottingham, Birmingham and Bath say the secret is to commit yourself to three short bursts of highly intense exercise for 30 seconds each, with short rest periods between, in less than five minutes. 

They claim early results are ground-breaking and may lead to conventional medical textbooks on exercise being torn up. Instead of sweating for hours, scientists say we should hurl ourselves around on an exercise bike or rowing machine — or even just run rapidly up and down the stairs at home. 

After half a minute of wild exertion, we can collapse red-faced for 60 seconds, then do it all again. Three bouts like that means your exercise requirement for that session is sorted. 

The ongoing study is led by leading exercise expert Jamie Timmons, a professor of systems biology. The team call their system High Intensity Impact Training (HIIT). 

So far, their tests on hundreds of unfit middle-aged volunteers in Britain and Canada over the past eight years have shown those three minutes of exercise a week deliver the same significant health improvements as can be achieved through hours in the gym or on the running track. 

But scientists do not yet entirely understand why the short-burst exercise regime so profoundly boosts volunteers' stamina and the fitness of their lungs, heart and blood vessels. 

As for weight loss, the results from conventional long hours of exercise regimes often prove disappointing. 

Typically, exercisers get themselves into trouble by eating more than they do normally because strenuous gym sessions leave them ravenous. 

Brief, high-intensity exercise does not stimulate appetite as much, because it demands far less energy expenditure, so participants in the trial don't suffer the same cravings. 

What's more, it appears to do something even more beneficial, according to Professor Timmons. 

The regime should also raise people's metabolic rates after they stop exercising, as it builds muscle — and this tissue makes metabolisms run faster. In turn, this stimulates the breakdown of fat and burns calories. 

The study has been published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Came across such a beautiful article on Marriage... :-)

Life is a bagful of experiences, filled with the souvenirs of new beginnings. Marriage is one such new beginning filled with beautiful moments. It is in fact a  voyage undertaken by two individuals. Through hope and happiness, smiles and laughter, love and affection, the two travel together, hand in hand through life's ups and downs. 
The two travel together hand in hand
Over the past 25 years, my perception about marriage has changed tremendously. But over the years, I have also realized a lot of things. Till a certain age all of us are unaware of the realities of life. But the only truth is that life moves on - people change and so do our priorities. Marriage is a vital choice - it is indeed life's most important decision.
Shaadi ke laddu
I recently read an interesting article on turning 25 and how things change after that. One of the comments left a lasting impact on me. 

This is how it read:
'Here's the thing about 25. Do not marry anyone for any reason other than the right ones...Your spouse is the most important choice you can make in your life. Careers come and go, and passions wax and wane, but a spouse can be the number one determining factor in your happiness. Life is too short to be miserable, there's too much crap in the world for you to ever have to deal with it at home. Pick a spouse that (cliche alert!) completes you. Pick a spouse that supports you. Pick a spouse whose nose you can pick.'

Funny but true, isn't it? Life is already full of problems. So why would anyone want to come back home to deal with more? I know picking a spouse whose nose you can pick is a little tricky, but it shouldn't really matter if you actually love the person. It's all about affection.
Your spouse is the most important choice you can make in life
I see a lot of couples around me, who want to get married just because they have to. Many opt love marriage because they think their girlfriend/boyfriend is the most beautiful/handsome person in the world. Many others go for arranged marriage because they think their life would be ruined if they do not heed their
parents' advice. I fail to understand such people. They are still shrouded in the darkness of ignorance and immaturity.
Let their be light
Love marriage or arranged marriage is not really important since both have their pros and cons. What is important is life-long companionship and undying affection. Marriage is a not about hanging around and having fun. Nor is it something that must be done under pressure. Marriage comes with a lot of responsibility. Acceptance, love, forgiveness, patience, affection, and mutual understanding can actually make a marriage successful.
Marriage means acceptance, love, and mutual understanding

Before you take a step ahead, pause for a moment and ask yourself, is this what I want to do? Am I getting married under any kind of pressure? Is this the person I truly love? Your fate is in your hands. Nobody is going to decide what you want in life. You need to be sure of your decision. Love marriage or arranged marriage, as long as you are happy and satisfied, nothing else really matters.
Your fate is in your hands
Do not take any decision in haste. If arranged marriage is your choice, do think about your preferences too. Do not go for it blindly or without thinking. On the other hand if love marriage is your choice, take the first step and talk to your parents about it. They might have numerous issues, they might not even agree, but if you really want something, talk it out and make it happen.
Take the first step
If you have found your true love and want to marry that person, handle the situation wisely.Conversation is essential. Talk to your family. Be frank and express your feelings. If you are 100% sure, try convincing them. A decision once taken cannot be undone, so think twice before choosing your life-partner. That person should be someone who respects you and your individuality. Someone who loves you the way you are. 
Handle the situation wisely
And if you have decided to go for an arranged marriage and are getting married as per your family's choice, do not rush into things. This life is yours. Your parents can only be happy if you are happy. Have faith in yourself and your parents' decision. Look at the pros and cons. Do not hesitate to talk to your to-be-spouse.
Look at the pros and cons
Marry someone who you would want to grow old with. Someone whose happiness will mean the world to you. Whose wrinkles would never deter you from kissing her goodnight. Whose sagging body will never affect you from loving him. Whose pain will hurt you as much as your own. Whose happiness will fill you with joy. A married couple should not only support one another through thick and thin, but also learn to appreciate each other's choices.
Someone who loves you the way you are
A perfect marriage would be one where differences would never matter. Where love and arranged would marry one another in perfect harmony. Love shall be arranged, and the arrangement shall be loved....


Six ways to convert white money into black money

A recent trend is to use international debit or credit cards issued by offshore banks. This enables easy usage.
STEP 1: A group of individuals float a multi-level marketing scheme or investment scheme promising extraordinary returns to investors.
STEP 2: Investors deposit cash or cheques in bank accounts floated by the firm. The firm, in turn, issues them post-dated cheques.
STEP 3: The firm transfers the money to personal bank accounts of the promoters.
STEP 4: The promoters wire transfer the money to an offshore bank account in a tax haven. They wire transfer it again to another offshore bank account, in another tax haven, to widen the trail.
STEP 5: The offshore bank issues a credit or debit card valid anywhere in the world, which a promoter can use for transactions.
In 2009, India's Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) received suspicious transactions report from banks that a large number of deposits had been made in a few accounts. Further investigation revealed these accounts had a common permanent account number (PAN), address and contact numbers, and that it was a multi-level marketing scheme promising extraordinary returns. As explained above, the firm transferred the money collected to personal bank accounts of its directors.
Fifteen operators floated 10 firms, which in turn opened 35 bank accounts in 11 different banks. One operator alone received Rs 130 crore in his accounts over a period of 16 months, and the state police have attached Rs 190 crore of assets in various locations.
Lifestyle beyond known sources of income
Ownership of assets abroad, but not declared in tax returns
Large inter-account transfers with no economic rationale
Cash transactions with unknown persons
Withdrawal of large foreign remittance in cash
Increasingly, criminals want to own legitimate business. It could be to earn a return or to convert black money into white. A typical example of how this is done:
STEP 1: Criminal X generates Rs 10 crore in cash from illegal activities in India, and wants to 'launder' it abroad. He uses the 'hawala' route to transfer the money: he gives the Rs 10 crore cash to a local hawala operator. The operator, for a fee, arranges to deposit the sum in an offshore bank account belonging to a company floated by X.
STEP 2: The offshore company buys shares in a domestic company promoted by X, that too at steep valuations
STEP 3: The domestic company pays a high salary and dividends to X. Black becomes white, and X can show the money as income.
International corporate structure with no visible benefits
Shares of domestic companies sold at higher valuations
Tax returns don't support capital contribution by investors
Large cash holdings
Offshore companies will do business outside the country where it is formed. Such companies can be run by a nominee director and are often not required to publish annual accounts.
Mixing illicit money sources with legit ones is a popular method because it's hard to detect, especially if there is a large cash component in the legal business.
STEP 1: Illegal money is mixed with actual sales, by depositing in the company's bank account. The cash deposit will be justified as legitimate business income, say, cash receipts in restaurant.
STEP 2: The company projects the fabricated sales as total income and files an income-tax return. However, it avoids paying tax on the total income by showing losses in other business lines or by showing fictitious deductions.
STEP 3: Black has become white, and promoters can use it to buy assets.
Large increase in cash turnover and sales
No commercial reasons for money inflows
Promoter has poor knowledge of business
Transactions don't have supporting documents, and don't fit the company's profile
Costs incurred but no corresponding increase in turnover
This type of transaction is usually done to evade notice by authorities monitoring transactions above a certain threshold.
STEP 1: X deposits illegal proceeds into many bank accounts. The amount transferred is below the threshold level for reporting suspicious transactions. If Rs 10 lakh is the threshold level, deposits will be for Rs 9 lakh. This is called 'smurfing'.
STEP 2: The money is transferred from these multiple accounts to an offshore bank account to take the trail away from the source.
STEP 3: A loan agreement is signed between the holder of the offshore bank account and X.
STEP 4: Once he receives the money, X can spend the money to purchase assets.
Cash received from countries with high level of corruption
Concealed transportation of cash
An occasional high cash transaction
Deposit is made in accounts of 'straw men' or nominees
A suspicious report was raised against a securities market firm that a large number of cash deposits were made into the company's account and that it was subsequently transferred to another entity in the same business. It was found that both companies had a common address and a common person was operating both accounts.
FIU found 78 bank accounts related to the two entities where there was a substantial cash transaction. FIU passed on the information to the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), which unearthed an all-India network of money laundering through 236 bank accounts. The companies were set up by a chartered accountant to conduct share-broking activities, but many firms were neither brokers nor sub-brokers.
The modus operandi was to move cash between different companies, showing non-existent share trading to claim a speculative loss or gain for customers. Software used by legal brokers was installed to generate bills so that it looks genuine.
Traditionally, goods exported and imported were either priced lower or higher to enable money laundering. Or, goods exported were different from the description. Below is a description of an actual case investigated by FIU, which got a suspicious report that a cab rental firm received Rs 100 crore as advance payment for export obligations that did not relate to its line of business. The company had also issued cheques of small value (less than Rs 10,000) to various people.
During investigation, it was found the chairman of the firm had several international bank cards. Fake invoices to show diamond purchases of Rs 188 crore were also recovered during the searches. No purchases were made. The company received Rs 300 crore from buyers in three overseas locations: Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong. Interestingly, receivers of export shipments were different from people who sent advance payments.
With current technology, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) says it's easy to modify invoices or produce fictitious invoices. And corporations are easy to set up to show that they have received goods.
Discrepancies between customs filings and invoices
A country is not known for import and export of goods
Large difference between declared and market value
Payments made by an offshore company
Commission paid to third parties with no supporting documentation
This case was outlined by the Karnataka Lokayukta while probing illegal mining in the state. With demand for iron ore skyrocketing, Eagle Traders & Logistics (ETL), a company owned by sitting Karnataka MLA B Nagendra, devised an ingenious route to source and export iron ore illegally through a network of companies.
STEP 1: ETL agrees to source from associates like Swastik Nagaraj and Karapudi Mahesh, whose job was to illegally mine iron ore from mines. The job of these associates was to create layers to mask the actual source, for which, they were paid "risk money".
STEP 2: Iron ore sold to exporters, who deposit the money in one of the five bank accounts of ETL.
STEP 3: ETL transfers money to Swastik and Karapudi. In one of the five ETL bank accounts alone, there was a combined credit and debit of Rs 649 crore between September 2007 and February 2011.
STEP 4: Swastik and Karapudi issue cheques to persons who may be either fake or under benami names or unregistered dealers of iron ore. These individuals make withdrawals on the same date, in most cases in denominations of Rs 9 lakh. The same happens on the credit side.
The case of Janardhana Reddy-promoted Obulapuram Mining Company:
Tracing black money is a task made difficult by intricacies employed by offenders, as this case involving Janardhana Reddy-promoted Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC) documented by the Karnataka Lokayukta shows
OMC exports 852,000 tonnes of iron ore at below market price to GLA Trading International, a Singapore-registered company
JANARDHANA Reddy is the director of GLA, which is owned by GJR Holdings International, a company registered in Isle of Man. GJR is, in turn, owned by Interlink Services Group, which is registered in Virgin Islands. Both Isle of Man and Virgin Islands are tax havens. GJR refers to Gali Janardhana Reddy and GLA to Gali Lakshmi Aruna, Reddy's wife.
GLA sells iron ore to outside party at market price. It pockets the profit, that too inflated, instead of Indian entity OMC. It can move the profit to its companies in tax havens, which are owned by Reddy family members. The under-invoicing in India in two years when Reddy was the director of GLA is estimated at Rs 215 crore. Due to underinvoicing, OMC under-paid customs duty and corporate tax.
IF the IT department failed to detect the under-invoiced portion, it would have returned to India as a foreign investment—black becomes white. tax impact will be lower.