Thursday 25 July 2013

Unusual beauty tips that work

Here are two unusual but very effective beauty tips to get rid of blackheads and to get soft, supple hands.

Pepper to get rid of blackheads:

Fighting blackheads is a never-ending battle. Blackhead strips are a huge dud. Try pepper instead. Mix one tablespoon of pepper with yogurt and apply it on your nose. Scrub gently in circular motions. Keep it on for seven minutes and rinse. The grainy pepper works as a natural exfoliant and lifts blackheads more effectively than anything else.

Cinnamon for soft hands:

Mix two cups of water with a cup of milk, two tablespoons olive oil and a pinch of ground cinnamon. Warm it up and soak your hands in it for 10 minutes while gently rubbing them together. Cinnamon works as an exfoliant and stimulates circulation.

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